COVID-19 Prevention Strategies for the Workplace
Although we’ve also branched into partitions designed for schools, our COVID-19 prevention strategies here at KTM began with the desire to increase safety in the workplace. All along the way we’ve been looking for ways to help businesses and schools follow federal and local guidelines—and reopen as safely as possible.
Since both OSHA and the CDC recommend installing physical barriers when distances of at least 6 feet between people aren’t possible, we’ve been looking for areas in office spaces where distancing might be difficult and developing solutions. Many of these designs started with needs in our own office in Greer, SC.
Our Current Solutions
Below are some of the options we’ve developed for plexiglass shields:
Reception areas
Cubicle toppers
Cubicle walls
Let Us Help
Are you looking for ways to further protect your employees from the spread of COVID-19 or meet federal or state requirements? Contact us to let us know what you need and let our engineers develop a custom solution.