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US election results and the COVID-19 response: What can we expect?

The election and COVID guidelines

Every election year brings questions for business owners. The rising numbers of coronavirus cases throughout the US create even more uncertainty.

In addition to the normal questions of how a change in presidential administration might affect their business spending decisions, business leaders need to consider how they can keep their customers and employees as safe as reasonably possible from viral spread—and how they can best weather another economic shutdown, should they face one on a state or national level.

While it’s still unclear whether Biden would support a national lockdown as president, businesses can still prepare by following CDC guidelines.

  • Frequent disinfection of common surfaces

  • Maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from others whenever possible

  • Face coverings—especially where social distancing isn’t possible

  • Physical barriers where people are likely to be less than 6 feet apart

The first goal of compliance with these guidelines is to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in the first place. If we can reduce the case load, shutdowns shouldn’t be necessary. However, in the case of local or national shutdowns, businesses who can demonstrate that they are CDC-compliant are more likely to be able to keep operating.

When to install physical barriers

When it comes to purchasing physical barriers, sooner is better than later. Custom options take time to design and manufacture, so they usually need to be ordered a few weeks in advance (depending on the size of the order).

Currently, the price of plastic is lower than it was in the spring. If stricter COVID guidelines are enforced down the line, requiring widespread installation of partitions and sneeze guards, the cost is likely to spike. In light of that possibility, it’s better to prepare now.

Let us help

As a small business ourselves, we know that business owners have a lot on their minds at this time. If you’re looking for ways to make your office space safer from COVID-19, contact us and let our engineers develop a custom solution to meet your needs.



KTM is a team of professional engineers that partners with manufacturing companies to overcome challenges and deliver the custom design solution and the expertise you need for your project.

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KTM utilizes a staff of registered mechanical engineers (PE) that are qualified in the design and analysis of advanced machines, fixtures, lifting systems, and mechanical structures. We design and analyze for sufficient strength, optimal mechanical performance, and safety in accordance with industry standards and governmental regulations.

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